History of KIA Motors Corporation 1944 The story of the famous Korean producer of cars starts from distant year 1944. Then in Seoul was founded firms Kyngsung Precision Industries that deal with production of parts for bicycles. 1950-1960 In 1951 the firm changed its name to KIA Industries. The word Kia is composed of signs ki, which means descent and a letter symbolizing Asia. KIA ie. »Originating from Asia". In 1952 it produced the first bicycle Korean-Somcholli. After the Korean War in 1957 Kia due to great demand built a new factory in the city Shiheung. That same year has started production of the first scooter Korean C-100. 1960-1970 In 1961 began the first production motorcycle C-180. A year after it introduced three-wheeled vehicle to supply K-360. In the coming years are also released three types of carriers for supply (T-1500, T-2000 and T-600) that mark the beginning of the Korean auto industry. 1970-1980 The ten year old w...